Hey there TC Hero community! Time for another update! The past few months have been a very hectic time but we've somehow managed to make it work and get trailer production on track! In fact, we have some very good news to share! Without any further ado, let's get right into the article! ANNOUNCEMENT TRAILER UPDATE In the last article, we mentioned that we've almost finished all of the character animation. Well, good news, it's all finished!! Believe it or not, colours and cleanup are done and on top of that shading is almost done too! Just take a look!
This is a screenshot straight from our production Trello board, full transparency into what we're cooking over here. We are currently on pixel check, which is part of our quality control workflow, a type of cleanup checking for rogue and uncoloured pixels. Wouldn't even have to do this had I realized something in the beginning of production, but oh well, here we are. In conclusion, the trailer is very much on track to being finished! No release date yet, but I now feel confident enough to say that production is only a little behind than I'd liked. Everything is coming together!
It's been ages since the second phase of casting and only now can I say that we are finally reaching the end of casting! Let me tell you something, these weren't easy choices, so many of you did such an outstanding job that you left me stumped for months! But it's almost time to close things off, please welcome two of the newest cast members to the team!
Introducing Caleb Jimarez and Vikram Rajan, these two excellent voice actors will be joining the TC Hero crew from here on out! Can't wait to hear what you guys bring to the project, very excited to have you guys on! Fancy seeing some of their work? Here are links to both of their respective sites: Caleb Jimarez: https://calebjimarez96.carrd.co/ Vikram Rajan: https://www.vikramrajanvo.com/ One more quick note, in the last article I mentioned that there were only two spots left. Turns out, after a turn of events there is in fact one more! I'll keep you guys updated on who will be the last to be cast!
Since I feel like this news post has taken a rather informal approach and there are definitely some things I could've worded way better, just want to give you guys a very brief insight into my situation. The bottom line is, I'm currently working a 9-5 and have been for the past few months. That is the primary reason why TC Hero developments have been so slow. I just want to thank you all for your continued support for my little big project. It truly means a lot. The small kind comments I've heard some of you guys give over the past few months despite my slow pace and even absence at times just keeps me going. I'm currently going through a very hard period in my life (Don't worry, I'm happy, it's just very demanding) so just thank you, for even the smallest support means the world to me.
Despite the difficulties in life related things TC Hero is moving forward although at a very steady pace! The trailer is getting done and casting is almost completed too! Exciting times are upon us, I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us.
TC Activate!